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Showing posts from November, 2020


 To start with the making of the magazine and moving on to working on the software, all I needed was firstly to make a rough sketch of how I would actually design the cover in regard to the placements and the heading etc. Then I also decided to roughly sketch the double spread too. Here is how i roughly sketched my magazine elements featuring all the components of a magazine to make it look appealing to the audience. I used the online auto draw tool for this purpose which made me design a rough sketch easily. Cover page : For my magazine cover I decided I would put a full shot of my dog (model) from head to toe. As my dog is trained I am looking forward to the fact that it would be easy for me to get a full shot it. However if he's too restless I really wont be able to control how he stands. In that I would take a close up shot and put it in the same way as sketched. It will be picture taken in high key lighting that I have thought would be taken in natural sun light following the ...


 This is the following article I have written on my final cover story that is "7 dos and dont of training your dog. Title : 7 Dos and donts of dog training  Standfirst   Are you sure you're training your dog right? By line :  By Vania Imran Mirza My coverstory article


 In my previous post we brainstormed cover story ideas and the magazine content, and now Ive finally decided what my final cover story would be. My final cover story would be a 'guide' on THE DO'S AND DONT'S OF TRAINING YOUR DOG.  It will consist of some top mistakes that dog owners make while training their dogs and how they should be treated well. The body copy won't be a consistent article but will be divided into paragraphs which would be sectioned and columnized. 


 In our recent class we were finally given the task to brainstorm cover story ideas for my magazine which included for instance the guides, features, interviews etc. Here is my work and working on it.  My magazine includes 2 Interviews:   1) How to manage your dog if you're a working man or woman. 2) A vets interview: how owners don't take care of their dogs Guides: 1) 10 dog training mistakes that owners make. 2) How do you know if your dog suffers from fear or anxiety Features: 1) Famous celebrity dog owners we did not know about. 2) Breed focus: different breeds and how they're different from each other. Reviews: 1) Movie review: Pick of the litter 2) Product review: New canine dog food 


  The USP (Unique Selling Point) of my magazine would be the features that make it unique and different from other magazines and also make it attractive for people to buy it. Here is a presentation that illustrates on what makes my magazine unique. ... what makes my magazine different by vania imran


Coming to finally choosing a name for my magazine, it was now time for me to think of one. We were given a briefing of this task last week and I had been thinking of the name for my magazine since then. I listed fifteen to twenty names at first, consulted them with my teacher but he kept on cutting down the number in each and every class till the list came down to five names! Now out of those five it was now time for me to choose one.  Bits n Bites, Chew, Tails 4 You, Dingo and Trail. Here is what I finally chose!