To start with the making of the magazine and moving on to working on the software, all I needed was firstly to make a rough sketch of how I would actually design the cover in regard to the placements and the heading etc. Then I also decided to roughly sketch the double spread too. Here is how i roughly sketched my magazine elements featuring all the components of a magazine to make it look appealing to the audience. I used the online auto draw tool for this purpose which made me design a rough sketch easily.
Cover page :
For my magazine cover I decided I would put a full shot of my dog (model) from head to toe. As my dog is trained I am looking forward to the fact that it would be easy for me to get a full shot it. However if he's too restless I really wont be able to control how he stands. In that I would take a close up shot and put it in the same way as sketched. It will be picture taken in high key lighting that I have thought would be taken in natural sun light following the common convention of dog magazines. No body part would be shadowed and everything would be visible. In fact I have planned for the masthead to be designed the same unlike the conventions that dog magazines follow. It would be in a casual font and not hidden behind the model, neither would be the model be hidden behind the masthead. The masthead will be placed on top of the cover, with the coverlines on the sides on the cover and the main coverline in bold and a larger font centralized on the bottom of the cover. Further more I would be adding a puff to add into the elements of the magazine to make it more appealing.
Double Spread :
I planned my double spread out in a way that my dog's picture would be taken in a close up shot and placed on one entire page stretched out. This way his eyes and expressions would be focused. The title of the article would be placed on the first page with a large font as used on the cover page and would be covering the models picture too in my opinion, and would be placed as the title on top. One secondary picture would be added on the bottom of the last column too with the article itself divided into two columns. Subheadings will be added on top of the paragraphs. A footer will also be added on bottom of the first page which would contain the issue date of the magazine and the name of the magazine.
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