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Creative Critical Evaluation #3

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Creative Critical Evaluation #1

 Coming towards the end of this interesting task of making of this product, let us now finally analyze it. I decided to analyze it using a few core ideas and bringing them into spotlight. These ideas have been rephrased as questions and answered so to make it easy to understand. This is the answer to question number one for my critical evaluation.  creative critical evaluation question #1 by vania imran


 My Double Spread took alot of editing and alot of complicated placements but it turned out well. Following is how I made my double spread.  INITIAL SETTING UP:  I started off with setting the dimensions and then of course the margins of the double spread. This even included the gutter and the margins by which the page was divided into two. This is how everything regarding the margins, borders and divisions looked like.       THE TITLE / TOPIC:  The topic for my double spread was "All About Rottweilers". I chose this topic because I could write apt information on it since I myself own a pet rottweiler and my photography was on my pet too. I put more emphasis on the name of the breed of the dog "Rottweilers" while setting up the title. It was put in a CHILDREN SANS font while the words "All About" were put in a KG HAPPY font. These were the fonts I selected.        These fonts and the topic was placed on a patterned yellowish backgro...


My content page was simple with a simple and sophisticated layout following common conventions yet it still looked really elegant to not be changed.  I had no need to divide my content page into margins or even divide it into columns. I put no margins because my pictures had to be placed touching the border of the page. And columns were not put because although it was somehow divided into two parts, the pictures I placed in both the parts did not have equal width and equal dimensions and would be overlapping coming to the other side. For example have a look at this, the pictures do not have equal dimensions. This below however is not an accurate view of the final layout of the pictures on the content page since there had to more space for the text to be added.  The specifications for the content page were obviously kept the same as that of the cover page ie 8" X 11".       I started off with writing the initial headings ie the masthead, issue date and the conten...


This is the cover page that I finally ended up making. It took a lot of time editing and finalizing the cover page for this to end up like this.   The specifications for this file are exactly the same as the ones I initially used for my magazines and magazine relevant tasks. One thing to be kept in mind is that the size of the magazines pages are A4. The width and height was kept 8 by 11 inches and it has to be made sure that every other page of this magazine including the content page and double page analysis pages, have to be of the same ratio.   I tried various kinds of fonts for my masthead for it to look good on a pet magazine cover page. I ended up trying a GROBOLD font that has also been shown in one of my previous blogs. I couldnt decide a masthead with the proper colour because of the background and black and white seemed too typical. So to make the masthead look attractive, prominent, and quite visible on my page, I chose the colour orange for the masthead which also...


 As in one of my previous posts, I stated which house style I would be using for the mast head of my cover page that was Guy Burhy's Grobold.       I applied this font on my selected image for the cover page. This is me working on it and trying to adjust it with the appropriate size and adjustments. At first I wanted it in a smaller size that wont be centralized in a large font at the top of the page but it seemed later on that I had to follow the go-to masthead conventions for magazines either way.