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My content page was simple with a simple and sophisticated layout following common conventions yet it still looked really elegant to not be changed. 

I had no need to divide my content page into margins or even divide it into columns. I put no margins because my pictures had to be placed touching the border of the page. And columns were not put because although it was somehow divided into two parts, the pictures I placed in both the parts did not have equal width and equal dimensions and would be overlapping coming to the other side. For example have a look at this, the pictures do not have equal dimensions. This below however is not an accurate view of the final layout of the pictures on the content page since there had to more space for the text to be added.

 The specifications for the content page were obviously kept the same as that of the cover page ie 8" X 11".

I started off with writing the initial headings ie the masthead, issue date and the content heading, and placed the final selected pictures. My selected pictures are the ones that I had selected and mentioned in my previous blog too ( blog : Final Selection ). 
The mast head and the title of the magazine was kept in the same font and the same color because I did not find it appropriate to change that from the one on the cover. However the size did change and was made smaller but that is for it to fit properly. 
I even wrote the issue date underneath it in the same style, size, and color. 
The word "CONTENTS" for the content page was written in full Times New Roman font and looks elegant that way. To enhance it more, I even put a black underline beneath it since my content page is a mixture of the colors orange, black and brown. 

In further refinements and additions towards the end I started adding the categories of the topics in the magazine. I had made a brainstorming sketch of the contents of my magazine in the planning phase and that too has been shown in one of my previous blogs from planning ( blog : brainstorming ). This was the brainstorming :


So according to this I added the categories of Interviews, Guides, Features, and Reviews on my content page as you can see above but unfortunately I realised in the end I had no space for one topic of the interview to be added ie the vets interview. But it seemed fine to me because usually as far as I had concluded from my research for magazines, many pet magazines just have one interview. The categories were put in the same font and color as the title of the magazine ie GROBOLD. This made it look bigger, and bolder and was not used anywhere else in the content page. 

I then started adding the articles I planned to add. There were two in each category, leaving out the one from the interview category that couldnt be added in. My lines for these articles were again kept in a simple Times New Roman font of size 19 in the same color as of the mast head so it indulges in the combination of the entire page / magazine. And my tag lines or the introductory lines were of black font of Times New Roman.

I even added page numbers along side each article as it is an essential part of a content page, making sure that the ones on the cover page match with the relevant articles too. The page numbers were a GROBOLD font in black.

For the final touches on my content page I added page numbers to the pictures I put on my content page in a white GROBOLD font, which is usually done in magazines to show which article is the picture relevant to and to which page number it is referred. 

With the perfect combination of the colors brown, black and orange, a couple of pictures and some good catchy articles written in an appealing way, this is how my content page turned out 



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