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Showing posts from September, 2020


 To move on and make our own magazine, the first task we had to do was to analyse a few other magazines and their covers to get a better understanding of the codes and conventions that are used in the making of a magazine cover. Here are a few magazine covers I gathered and analysed.    analysis 1 by vania imran analysis 2 by vania imran analysis 3 by vania imran

A little bit more about magazines.

  In todays class we learnt about magazines in detail, of how they're made and and what defines a magazine. There are a lot of things that define a magazine.  One of them is that each and every magazine is in a portrait orientation and none of them is made in a landscape orientation. This is one of the most prominent characteristic of a magazine.  A magazine generally contains stories, poems, recipes, articles etc but mainly magazines have a specific genre they follow for example a food magazine, a travel magazine, a sports magazine, a business magazine etc. Makers of the magazine use an attractive appearance, an eye catching cover picture and illustrations on quality paper make it more appealing. The kind of pages used in a magazine play a major role in the making of a magazine. It could be a thin newspaper-like paper or a glossy paper which is very thick but they're usually printed on very thin gloss text. If a magazine is made digitally the main colors used are red, gr...


  Hey, back to my blog after a really interesting and interactive session after a long time of online classes. We went through all the previous stuff we did and an overall revision of all of it. We learnt more about magazines and magazine covers in detail and were told to analyze a magazine along with its cover.  The magazine that I analyzed was a VOGUE magazine and here are the details I saw in it.  The following are those pages of the magazine that go with the cover line ie the cover story. The cover story in the magazine has alot of photoshoot done on the main celebrity of the magazine who appears on the main cover photo too ie Britney Spears. She represents different kinds of trending fashion going on and in every photograph she depicts a flag somewhere for instance the colors of the flag blended in her scarf or wearing a badge of America's flag.  And lastly here is me making notes regarding this magazine's task and a picture of the notes too.   


Once again, in this blog I will be highlighting something really interesting ie photography shots and angles that we studied. This is the main part of media as a subject. These are the types of advanced camera shots that are used in filming to convey an effect or emotion. We were given an assignment to take some of our own shots from a wide array of angles.                               EXTREME LONG SHOT :  This is an extreme long shot that covers a wide area of landscape and surroundings and this shot is taken from a distance.                                               FULL SHOT: This shot shows the subject fully from head to toe ie top to bottom. A full shot mainly includes the subject and nothing else.  LONG SHOT: This is an example of a long shot. In this specific shot the subj...


  The most important and major task in media's practical work is to individually create and design a magazine, and most importantly the main part of it which attracts the viewers/ readers to get the magazine ie the magazine cover. The cover of the magazine has to be eye catching, quite attractive and of course, vibrant enough to attract people. We not only had to design the cover but also the content page and the double spread for our magazine.  In our class we learnt the main components of a magazine cover. They are as follows: - Masthead: Its the title of the magazine which you usually find at the top of the page - Tag line:  This is usually a descriptive message given on the magazine cover. - Main Photo: This is also called the Anchoring Photo and represents the main highlight of the magazine. - Buzzwords: These are words that are used to excite the audience such as Exclusive - Main Coverline: This is the line that advertises a story or feature inside the magazine. -St...


  Another important part of media studies is how forms and languages are used to convey the products of media and its use of codes and conventions that helps it. These include different signs  and symbols to create meaning to something.  The most important of them is codes which are used in media and these are actually the connotations to the audience.    Initially there are two categories of codes that you'll find in media, one is the technical code and the other is the symbolic code. Technical codes includes all the equipment used to tell a story in a media text and includes camera techniques, framing, depth of field and exposure. Whereas symbolic codes on the other hand show whats beneath the surface of what we see for instance objects, setting, body language, clothing and color.  Other categories of codes include the written codes and the audio codes. The written codes as the label itself says, is the formal written language on a media product for examp...


During the firs t basic lessons of media studies, we learnt the initial concepts of it. These media concepts are the tools we as students can use to help them analyze media products.  One fun way to remember it is by the word "MIGRAIN"  M     -      Media forms and languages 'media forms and languages' include the verbal and non verbal and other similar types of media that help in communicating a certain message. I     -     Institution  'Institution' is an entity which produces media G     -     Genre  'genre' is the style or category of the product R     -     Representation 'representation' is how different things are shown like A     -     Audience  'audience' is the target group of people watching us I     -     Ideology  'ideology' is the set of ideas that represent a perspective  N     -     Narrative ...


Hey, my name is Vania Imran Mirza and I am currently doing my A levels from Lahore Grammar School. I recently started my A levels and opted for psychology, economics and media studies as my subjects and this particular blog is for my Media Studies portfolio .  I took media as my subject because I plan to enter the field of journalism afterwards and this is going to help me to a great extent. My main purpose is to make this blog eye catching, interesting and useful for whoever reads it.  I look forward to keep you engaged as my blog progresses along with my journey in taking Media as a subject.