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A little bit more about magazines.

  In todays class we learnt about magazines in detail, of how they're made and and what defines a magazine. There are a lot of things that define a magazine. 

  • One of them is that each and every magazine is in a portrait orientation and none of them is made in a landscape orientation. This is one of the most prominent characteristic of a magazine. 

  • A magazine generally contains stories, poems, recipes, articles etc but mainly magazines have a specific genre they follow for example a food magazine, a travel magazine, a sports magazine, a business magazine etc.

  • Makers of the magazine use an attractive appearance, an eye catching cover picture and illustrations on quality paper make it more appealing. The kind of pages used in a magazine play a major role in the making of a magazine. It could be a thin newspaper-like paper or a glossy paper which is very thick but they're usually printed on very thin gloss text.

  • If a magazine is made digitally the main colors used are red, green and blue (RGB) and if its a print copy then the main colors used are cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK)

  • Before the magazine is made there is an extensive genre research conducted on what genre the magazine belongs to and this helps in finding out the target audience.

  • One of the basic things that a magazine consist of are an editorial ie an article written by the editorial staff or the publisher and is used to inform about things rather than an attempt to sell something, and advertisements ie ways promoting a good or a service. 


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