In todays media class we learnt about one of the media components in detail ie Genre.
Genre is basically a way of categorizing a text through style and form with the help of key elements used in that piece of text called Paradigms. Genre is an important component or else without it the readers will not be able to categorize texts they are reading. Examples of paradigms includes music, font etc and are categorized into 3 groups.
1) Iconography : the signs and symbols we see and hear.
2) Structure : the way the text is put together in a structure.
3) Theme : the setting and what it deals with.
- Other things that we learnt about genre was that the general audience selects these magazines on basis of their genres and what suits them.
- A specific genre of a magazine will be considered to have a high demand because the audience would have been identified as enjoying the text.
- Genre's need to be classified differently or else they will be judged on the basis of ''they're all the same'' hence leading to stagnation of the magazine.
- Genres keep on evolving and are never stagnant or static and their common characteristics keep changing over time and many of them are CONSTANTLY changing.
"Genre creates expectations that condition our responses. The familiarity of the genre enables each spectator to anticipate and predict what will appear in them. Genre sets up hopes and promises and brings pleasure if these hopes and promises are fulfilled." - Film Studies by Warren Buckland.
- Genre has certain criticisms too for instance creators can be tired of these genres when they want to work outside the box set out for them, although working without a specific genre would make it really difficult and complex for them to understand and choose their media.
- Nowadays many people in the audience understand media language and how media is made now and so the constricting boundaries of genre can be hard to work around.
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