Researching on genre, it was now time for us to choose my own genre for the magazine I will be producing. I found out a number of different genre magazines not only on the internet but also at my own home. This gave me the idea for either producing a tech magazine, a corporate magazine or an animal magazine. Out of these I had to shortlist but then decided the corporate/business genre for my preliminary task and to opt for an animal magazine for my main task since I could best use my skills in this as I was an animal lover and owner both. Not only this but you would find me reading about animals at all times, wanting to have a keen knowledge about them at all times. Hence it was my passion that I was about to base my magazine genre on now.
Therefore my magazine would be on animal care 🐾 It will not be for all the animals and would just shine the light on dogs (since I'm a dog owner myself). It would be about dogs and their care and if someone has a dog as a pet they would have a guide in the form of a magazine which would help in a lot of ways for instance how to treat your dogs.
My magazine would consist of a whole lot of fun information for dog lovers and owners about how to take care of them be it puppies or seniors🐾. Hence it would be a magazine for both the dogs and the dog owners!🐾🐾🐾
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