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The genre of my preliminary magazine was a business magazine and we recently started working on the cover in photoshop where we learnt adding all the components of a magazine cover including the masthead, cover photo, cover lines, date/issue, puffs and buzzwords, barcodes etc. I started off with setting the size of my magazine which is as follows.

When I started advancing towards the making of my magazine cover, this is how it initially looked. I added the picture I had captured of my model for the cover and locked the layer. Then it was time for the masthead to be entered. In the previous blogs I have mentioned that I will be naming my magazine CORPORATE as it gives a simpler approach to the theme of the magazine itself. The font that I chose was a pointy font similar to what I saw in other business magazines during my primary research. This is a common convention followed in majority of the magazines of this theme that are followed. 

After I had decided my masthead and laid it out finally, I came on to my cover lines. I wanted my main cover line to represent my main cover photo so I came up with the cover line "female founders" which not only went with the business theme ( with the word founders ) but also with the main photo ( with the word female ). I wanted this to be in a pointy font too like the masthead was. I was confused between two font styles and layout styles of putting my cover line but finally came upon finally putting it down. I did choose a pointy font but gave it a bold outlook for it to stand out and at the same time make it slightly different than the masthead font too. Apart from this I chose the same font style with a smaller size for the description below the main cover line. The description was necessary for me to put specifically for the main cover line as per my plan. "How they gained millions" is a question that would create curiosity in the minds of the readers as they read the cover page, increasing the chances of them to want to read the relevant article inside. A white color font was chosen by me as it went well with the contrast. Yes, it didnt seem appropriate at first since it overlapped the white outfit of the model, but making the font bold did not make it look odd and also increased prominence to a great extent.

As you started noticing while I added the masthead and the cover line, I chose a color contrast of black and white for my magazine cover page hence I planned for the rest of my coverlines to go this way too. For my second cover line, choosing a pointy font, I placed it above the main cover line in a black font. I added the word "creative" in yellow to put more emphasis on that specific word in the cover line and for it to also make that cover line unique and stand out in its own way as that one word reflects what kind of article it is titled upon. 

The rest of the coverlines were added in the same way following the colour contrast. I also added a puff on the right side of the magazine which would be a very prominent feature to the viewers eye. Moreover, a barcode was also added on the bottom left of the magazine cover so as to follow the common conventions of a magazine. 

This is how it resulted in: 


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