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Showing posts from October, 2020


 In this blog I will explain what kind of a target audience and market segment the genre of my magazine focuses at. PRIMARY AUDIENCE: Demographics: The genre of my magazine is a dog-care magazine or an animal magazine and will be majorly focusing on dog owners and people interested to have dogs thus it would be a magazine read worldwide and it's audience wont be restricted to just teenagers or just celebrities or just old aged or middle aged people etc.  Ethnicity : Urban areas of a country or a city Gender : Both for males and females Status: The audience could be of social grade A, B or C. This include higher management people, middle management people, and official supervisors too who can afford to have a dog. Psychographics:  Interests : People with interests related to dogs, how to groom or train their dogs. Social class : Middle class or elite class, or lower middle class people SECONDARY AUDIENCE: Parents of youngsters who own dogs or people who cannot afford dogs ...


 In todays class we learnt about what is target market and segmentation and how a magazine or any form of media is build up upon that.  What is a 'target audience'? Target Audience is a group of people belonging to the target market segregated by different characteristics like gender, income, region family etc.  A particular product like a film or advertisement is aimed towards this particular group. What exactly is a 'target market'? A target market is a market place for a particular product or service comprising of existing customers, prospects and suspects who either use or will use a product. Finding a target audience means finding people of certain interests, or of a certain age group, gender, marital status, geography, occupation, ethnicity and more. 'Market Segmentation': This is a process of dividing the mass market based on certain parameters that are: geographic, demographics, psychographics, behavioral.  1) GEOGRAPHIC: this means grouping the customer...


As far as my genre of my magazine is concerned, it has a different type of editorial and of course a wide and different variety of topics or articles that make up the Dog Care Magazine.   In a dog magazine's editorial we notice a certain style of writing and a specific tone in which the editor writes the editorial. The language is really friendly and the readers can easily assume that the editor themselves is either a dog owner or a dog lover, like they use the statements "I know I'm not the only dog owner who feels....". This makes the readers more satisfied that the person who has compiled or written the magazine, would be an experienced person in the matter of dogs.  The editorial majorly talks about the theme of the magazine too in one or two lines for instance the kind of articles it contains or the kind of topics the magazine talks about so that the readers know from the first page (the editorial) of the magazine if they should buy it or not. Most of the editori...

EXTENSIVE GENRE RESEARCH: Representation of my magazine genre

Representation is an important element we saw in media languages and essential aspects of media which is linked to selling the product. The representation of my magazine genre covers a wide range of audiences that I can deliver my product too but particularly the reader either has to be a dog owner or someone who is less informed about the dog industry. This genre is where many people go for suggestions and guides on feeding, general grooming etc Age  A dog magazine would be delivered to a wide age group rather than just one specific one. It counts in middle aged people, youngsters or even teenagers, and aged people too. As long as the reader owns an animal or specifically a dog, or is keen to know more about it, the magazine perfectly would apply to them regardless there age.  Gender  Dog magazines are not specific to a single gender as all is it concerned about  is the fact that the reader should be a dog owner or a person keen in knowing more about dogs, hence the...

EXTENSIVE GENRE RESEARCH: Codes and Conventions of dog care magazines

 Like every other genre of magazine, dog care magazines have their own set of codes and conventions which makes them different from others.  Before we go into the depth of what codes and conventions I will be using for my covers, let me tell you a bit to make you understand the codes and conventions specifically used in dog care magazines.  Technical Codes  Most of the dog magazines I have seen include a full shot or a medium shot of the dog as the cover photo, ie either the dog model is shown in full or just from the head to the neck.  However other shots are also used such as a two shot where the owner or a human being is shown along with the dog in order to show intimacy and the indication of a pet-owner relationship. Furthermore not only this, but close up shots are occasionally used as well where the focus is primarily on the expressions or the eyes of the dog. As we see, the angles mostly made use of are eye level angles. Symbolic Codes  Usually dog m...

EXTENSIVE GENRE RESEARCH: Prominent magazines featuring 'pet dogs'

                    While there are a few existing magazines about animals be it wild or any other category of animals, there is still a very low number of pet dog magazines worldwide. Animals magazines, wildlife magazines, birdwatching magazines, zoology magazines etc are totally brushed off in the face of many readers which leads to less specifically dog care magazines. Apart from this we still see a number of magazines that put an emphasis on pet dogs and their care.  One really known example of this is the 'Modern Dog Magazine'.                             Here we see this magazine dealing with giving the perfect guide to taking care of our dogs (puppies specifically) as the taglines and the cover lines say for instance "30 days to a better dog", "Know your dogs", "natural remedies", "Train your puppy" etc.  The next prominent magazine to feature all abou...


 Researching on genre, it was now time for us to choose my own genre for the magazine I will be producing. I found out a number of different genre magazines not only on the internet but also at my own home. This gave me the idea for either producing a tech magazine, a corporate magazine or an animal magazine. Out of these I had to shortlist but then decided the corporate/business genre for my preliminary task and to opt for an animal magazine for my main task since I could best use my skills in this as I was an animal lover and owner both. Not only this but you would find me reading about animals at all times, wanting to have a keen knowledge about them at all times. Hence it was my passion that I was about to base my magazine genre on now.  Therefore my magazine would be on animal care 🐾  It will not be for all the animals and would just shine the light on dogs (since I'm a dog owner myself). It would be about dogs and their care and if someone has a dog as a pet they w...


In todays media class we learnt about one of the media components in detail ie Genre.   Genre   is basically a way of categorizing a text through style and form with the help of key elements used in that piece of text called Paradigms . Genre is an important component or else without it the readers will not be able to categorize texts they are reading. Examples of paradigms includes music, font etc  and are categorized into 3 groups. 1) Iconography : the signs and symbols we see and hear. 2) Structure : the way the text is put together in a structure. 3) Theme : the setting and what it deals with. Other things that we learnt about genre was that the general audience selects these magazines on basis of their genres and what suits them. A specific genre of a magazine will be considered to have a high demand because the audience would have been identified as enjoying the text.  Genre's need to be classified differently or else they will be judged on the basis of...


  Photography rules and their information is as important as anything else in media.  We discussed a number of rules that should be considered while we take a photo, and rules that we should knowing while taking our shots. Here are some of the shots I took and the rules that they belong to : DEPTH OF FIELD: 'Depth of field' is used for objects in the background and the foreground. It focuses on the main subject. LEADING LINES: 'Leading Lines' show the effect that the viewer is being dragged towards a specific subject and draw the viewers eye to a specific direction. NOSE ROOM: 'Nose Room' is the space between the subject in a photo and the next moving or still object being looked towards. HEAD ROOM: The 'Head Room' is the space between the subjects head and the top of the frame ie the space of the room.


After a tiring work of research and analyzing the cover pages and content pages we finally came to the double spreads. From the past two to three media classes we have been analyzing the double spreads of magazine covers in detail, learning about the different components that define a double spread, what makes up a double spread, the different kinds of double spreads and so on. For this too we had to analyse double spreads of different magazines which would help me make my own too afterwards. These were the double spreads I worked on : DOUBLE SPREAD ANALYSIS 1 by vania imran DOUBLE SPREAD ANALYSIS 2 by vania imran DOUBLE SPREAD ANALYSIS 2 by vania imran


 In our recent class we studied the content pages of the magazines in detail. This is the second page usually in magazines and lists out all that the magazine consists of along with their page numbers too sometimes for easy reference. We studied what they consist of, how they're made, and what makes up a magazine cover. Following is where I chose some content pages and then detailed them out. content page analysis #1 by vania imran  content page analysis #2 by vania imran